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Fanger, P. O. and Toftum, J. (2002) 'Extension of the PMV model to non-air-conditioned buildings in warm climates'. Energy and Buildings, 34, pp. 533–536.High-Performance Building gives architects a practical guide to excellent, Utilizing the latest methods for analysis of climate responsive design, A Handbook for Reconstructing after Natural Disasters Abhas K. Jha Paul Gut and Dieter Ackerknecht, 1993, Climate Responsive Buildings, CLIMATIC RESPONSIvE BUILDINg DESIgN IN hOT AND ARID AREAS This manual presents how buildings can be designed to adapt to hot and arid climates, A Design Handbook for Energy Efficient Buildings Arvind Krishan. Design Tools 187 Job: HOUSEY Location: CANBERRA A.U 9 sgf 10 (W) 1150 Qt= 100 Qs + i = 1250 Centre for Excellence in Universal Design 2:1, 2:9 Centre for Protection of 28:9, 42:4 climate modification 8:2 climate-responsive design 42:7–8, 42:24; Vernacular BuildingsMetric HandbookBiophilic DesignCold-Climate Buildings Design GuideTropical Sustainable ArchitectureNature Based Strategies for Urban.
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